Hey Kids, What's that new big white box with the big red stars pulling into town? Why, it's the Freedomland wagon and it's loaded with songs and a story that's guaranteed to make you get up, stand up-stand up for your rights!!! That's right folks, it's that time of year when the San Francisco Mime Troupe rolls into your neighborhood to exercise our Freedom of Speech and your Right of Assembly; simple rights that we take for granted until they are taken away. Today while Washington is busy bringing "freedom" to the rest of the world, at home we are witnessing an abuse of power and rollback of rights that betray the foundation of our democracy. Freedomland asks the question: is a young black soldier safer in Afghanistan than in his own neighborhood? A serious subject delivered with smart comedy by Michael Gene Sullivan and great new songs by Ira Marlowe.
This year we are doing things a little differently by opening the show up north in Point Arena (June 24), Ukiah (June 25), and Redway (June 27) and then returning for our Bay Area opening on July 3, 4 & 5th at the newly improved Dolores Park. Check out the whole schedule. That nice new truck you see was scratched off of our wishlist thanks to a very generous grant from the Puffin Foundation. It is this kind of generosity that makes it possible for us to come to you, and in many cases perform, for FREE. But the "Cost of Free" continues to grow so please check out our appeal and donate. Money is tight all around and every bit helps. Pledge to donate yearly or monthly: | Make a single donation:
This summer, bring someone new to a Mime Troupe show and help us dispel the myth that we are silent. We aren't and never will be!!
And while you are in the park (or online) you can pick up a shirt, hoodie, hat, or - The Poster of Posters - from the SFMT Store!
Speaking of shopping online, have you heard of Amazon Smile?! It's still Amazon, but when you shop through Smile, 5% of your purchases can go toward your favor non-profit organization... us! Learn more! See you in the parks!!! San Francisco Mime Troupe |