Community Engagement Rough Time Line

March/April: The intern will familiarize themselves with the Mime Troupe style of theatre by going over the archives available online and in the office library. If the intern is not from the city, we encourage him/her to become familiar with the Mission district, the local artists, shows and theatre spaces in the area to gain an understanding of the culture and history of the community.

May: After attending discussion meetings with his/her supervisor and the playwright, the intern will research the topic of the current summer show by reading books and articles and writing out his/her understanding of the target problem that the show is addressing. As part of this research, the intern will also reach out to experts in the field and schedule guest speakers for post show talk-backs.

June/July: The latter half of the internship will consist of identifying social justice and political organizations, schools or performance venues in the city that could help promote the summer show to their target audiences. Having collated an array of behind-the-scenes research, the CE intern will explore ways of distributing that information into the community by creating platforms such as blogs, podcasts, write-ups, posters, videos, interviews etc which could then be uploaded onto social media. On specific show days the C.E intern will moderate post show talkbacks with audiences and a panel of guest speakers and help out backstage if needed.

August/September: After certain park shows, the intern will record various audience members' and guest speakers' responses to the show. Having spent an entire summer with the Troupe, we encourage the C.E intern to compile a list of ideas and suggestions that he/she may have for the Troupe moving forward.

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