2016: Schooled

Written by Michael Gene Sullivan and Eugenie Chan
Music & Lyrics by Ira Marlowe
Directed by Michael Gene Sullivan

Schooled features Mime Troupe Collective Members Rotimi Agbabiaka, Velina Brown, Lisa Hori-Garcia, and Keiko Shimosato Carreiro

And band members William Durkee, Daniel Savio and Dominic Moisant

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Song Clip: World Out There 0:37
    Velina Brown, Rotimi Agbabiaka
Song Clip: Efficiency 0:38
    Lisa Hori-Garcia, Keiko Shimosato Carreiro

Learn more about the subject matter for this year's show!

Poster Design: Jolene Russell

Education. It's like the weather: everyone has an opinion but nobody does anything about it. That's how Livina Jones feels about her son Tom's new school, Eleanor Roosevelt High. With its old textbooks, crumbling classrooms, and racist treatment of kids just like hers Livina believes Roosevelt is exactly the sort of school that can benefit from a little free-market common sense. The nanny-state government has failed to see students as individuals, and failed to give them the real-world skills they'll need to get ahead. So who says it isn't time for some big money, for-profit schooling?

Ethel Orocuru, for one. She's the long serving history/civics/American government/basketball coach at Eleanor Roosevelt, and she's willing to fight for her version of education as long as her reconstructed hips will allow. But is she fighting for a system that can be fixed, or is she just too blind by her past to see how times have left her and her school behind? And when an efficiency expert, Mr. Babbit, is assigned to improve her class is it a sign that Ethel is behind the times, or a sign of something more sinister? And with privatization on the line, and a Wall Street heavy hitter lined up to fold the entire district into his conglomerate, suddenly the next School Board election is more about a hidden agenda than the open curriculum. And when did the hall monitors start wearing brown shirts and arm bands?

Production Photo
Photographer: Mike@mikemelnyk.com
- All students will be required to wear their school armbands -
Lisa Hori-Garcia (Michiko) in

Honors, Reviews and Articles:

"The San Francisco Mime Troupe does not just put on a show. They awaken their audiences to current situation of concern and make calls for action. The musical''s title may refer to the changes some of the characters undergo. The title could also be a declaration of what school life becomes under Babbit''s plan.
...the real intent is that we, the audience, walk away "schooled." This is not the normal happy ending we expect from musicals. The ending can be seen as a warning that the most unlikely outcome can in fact occur if we, the audience, don''t get off our butts and do something to make sure that does not happen."

Talkin' Broadway - July 2016

"This storyline contains some bits of sharp satire, teaching the important lesson that when you put voracious corporate interests in charge of education, what they teach is only whatever most benefits voracious corporate interests, illustrated in the school's speedy transformation into a kind of totalitarian training camp. At the same time, the play morphs into a parody of the 2016 presidential election..."
Marin IJ - 7/5/16

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