1984: Steeltown

Written by Joan Holden
Music & Lyrics by Bruce Barthol & Eduardo Robledo
Directed by Arthur Holden

STEELTOWN featured Sharon Lockwood, Dan Chumley, Eduardo Robledo, Wilma Bonet, Gus Johnson & Audrey Smith
and band members Muziki Roberson, Glenn Appell, David Rokeach, Joy Julks
& Melecio Magdaluyo

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Poster Design: Spain Rodriguez

Poster Design:

Steeltown follows a working-class American town from the triumph of post-war (WWII) prosperity, to the hardships of present day unemployment and plant closures. We see steel workers when they were women 'manning' the factories to win a war. There are union struggles, hopes for a better life, a wife's elaborate plot to win her husband's attentions, and a man's single-minded determination to save his steel plant.

In Steeltown, generations of workers followed from those who worked in the mills before them. Now, plant closures threaten to destroy this way of life. Potential tragedy leads to an understanding of the broader issues threatening the whole of working class America, and, with this new knowledge, the people of Steeltown are faced with the most important challenge of their lives.
Production Photo

Photographer: Neil Robert Miller
Pictured: (l-r) Audrey Smith, Wilma Bonet, Sharon Lockwood

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